7 Reasons to travel solo

Have you ever experienced that intense urge to just disappear? 

To get away from the everyday life and find out what else the world has to offer but you don’t have anyone to go with? 

Heading out into the world alone can bring on an incredibly scary feeling…. but it just may be the best thing you ever decide to do!

My 7 reasons why you should consider travelling solo:

  • Solo But Not Alone

I feel the need to get this out of the way right from the beginning!

There is this common misconception that if you were to go alone, you would wind up lonely and alone for the entire trip. I am here to say, this is false, and couldn’t be farther from the truth!

The travelling community is jam packed with like-minded individuals who are all in the same boat. - And by the way, meeting them is far easier than many expect!

Whether in the hostel, or on a tour, it is incredibly easy to interact with other travelers. Many of whom will share the same interests and travel plans as you which makes for a great opportunity in regards to friendships and potential travel companions; if that’s what you’re looking for at the time.

So let’s get that misconception out of your mind right from the beginning, it may be scary at first but you’re not alone!

  • Meet More People

As stated in number one, if you want, you will not actually be alone while you travel.

Being a solo traveler will give you the opportunity to meet far more people than you would if you were travelling in a group.

From my experience and the shared experiences of friends that I’ve met on the road, those going solo tend to meet more people than the ones who already have their group.

You will see many groups as you travel, that’s a given. They tend to have been formed along the way, or they grew up together and decided to go on an adventure.

But, how they came together doesn’t really matter.

What does matter, is the fact that these groups (generally speaking) tend to stick to themselves more because they already have each other to talk to and do activities with.

When you’re travelling alone, you will be more likely to put your best foot forward in meeting new people and making connections with those around you.

  • Find Your Tribe

In my humble opinion, on some level we are all looking to belong.

Every day we are faced with putting on a mask.

We have one for our work colleagues, our families, our friends, etc.

But when you travel, you are met with a world that has no preconceived notions of who you are.

This new world gives you the opportunity to find individuals that match your energy. The ones who share in your interests, hobbies, and outlooks on life.

As I brought up in the last point, you’ll run into groups while you travel, that’s inevitable.. But you can also form into a group, or join one, with the friends you make along the way.

From country to country, or however you travel, you will be given the opportunity to create lasting relationships with people from all over the world!

Personally, I have made friends and travelled with them for months at a time. 

I even met up with a friend in Belize in 2022 that I had originally met in Cambodia back in 2020!

I’ve also visited with friends periodically as we travelled through South America. Everyone had different plans but were able to meet along the way for a few days at a time.

And at other times, I travelled in a group for just a few days and realized that they weren’t my people and I distanced myself from them completely.

And that may be the biggest perk of all - having arrived solo, you are not tied to any group or place, and are able to adjust if things don’t feel right.

  • Flexible And Free

Aren’t we all searching for some sense of freedom when we set out on an adventure?!

Just because it is easy to meet others, and you have the potential to travel with them, doesn’t mean that you must!

When you are solo travelling, you have the absolute flexibility and freedom to do whatever it is that you want to do. 

Whether you want to be spontaneous day to day or you feel like you need to have some time at the hostel to relax and restore your energy, you get to decide.

If you are solo, you don’t have to compromise your plans with other people.

At the end of the day, this is your trip, and you should be able to do with it whatever you so please.

  • Growth, Growth, And More Growth

I am a huge proponent of personal growth and development. It has been at the forefront of my mentality and personality for years at this point and much of that came from solo travel.

Personally, I believe the best way to grow is to get out of your comfort zone. - Turn your world upside down and go to a place vastly different from the environment you are used to.

To get into a little bit scientific - Having new experiences creates new neural pathways within our brains which then allows us to think differently. And sometimes, a different perspective is precisely what one needs.

Additionally, by going out into the unknown, you will be faced with adversity and uncertainty. By dealing with it head on you have the potential to overcome your fears and grow significantly as an individual.

Solo travel gives you the chance to learn a great many things about yourself and the world. It will change your perspective on life and provide you with the opportunity for personal growth.

  • Build Up That Confidence

I guarantee while travelling alone you will encounter problems that you’ve never had to face before in your life!

Whether it has to do with travel planning, unforeseen circumstances, language barriers, etc. There are always going to be problems that will need to be solved.

Facing these challenges are going to help you with making quick decisions, being resourceful and problem-solving.

All of which, will help you become more confident!

As you travel solo, you are going to gain an incredible amount of dependability on yourself to get things done.

You will without a doubt become more confident in your abilities, your decision making skill and problem solving skills and in yourself as an individual.

By the way.. Who wouldn’t want to feel more confident?!

  • Reflect On Your Life

As someone who has tried several different paths in life, I know that solo travel has given me the best opportunity out of anything to truly reflect on what life is all about and what I want to achieve with my limited time on this planet.

As you are alone, I urge you to use some of that time to reflect.

Reflect upon everything from your life, relationships, goals, etc.

Ask yourself - Are you happy with the decisions you have made up until now, or could you be doing something else that would fulfill you more in the years to come.

Seeing other parts of the world, and how other societies live can put your own life experience into perspective. I suggest taking this newfound perception of the world and use it to reflect upon your own inner world.

Travelling solo will provide any one of us with the opportunity to greatly change and improve our lives if we will let it…

I urge you not to let the anxiety of going at it alone hold you back from what may very well be the greatest opportunity of your life thus far!


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